Sunday School Classes
Cleveland Baptist Church offers Sunday School Classes for people of all ages. To find out more about any of our classes call the Church offices @ (216) 671-2822.
Preschool Departments
We have first class child-care facilities for infants all the way up to kindergarten. Each class is filled with loving teachers that will invest their lives into your young ones while you enjoy the service.
Bus Ministry
Our busses pick up children of all ages. They then meet in a special service geared towards their specific age. Call the church office at 216.671.2822 for more information or to schedule a pickup for this Sunday.
Youth Departments
Children are our future. At Cleveland Baptist we take time to teach our youth, from the time they are young, through their teenage years about God. We only have one chance to make an impact on our youth. Our youth departments are broken up into three divisions: The 1st-6th grade department led by Dustin and Deserae Brady, Junior High led by Todd and Julia Lapp, and High School led by Wesam and Megan Elrabadi.
Our college age class is geared for those that are just out of High-School and starting out their life as a young adult. These can be trying times and it helps to be able to network with others going through the same situations. This class is led by Scott and Caitlyn Brady.
Single Purposed
The Single Purposed department is filled with singles in all life stages. There are four different divisions within this department including those a young professionals class, a single men’s class, single mother’s class, and a single ladies class.
Honeymooners is for couples in their first five years of marriage. This class is led by Kevin and Coleen Hoffman.
Homebuilders is for couples married more than five years and whose combined age is less than 70. This class is led by Tom and Amanda Goodman.
Berean Bible Study is a great class for those married with a combined age of greater than 70 or single. This class is led by Pastor Pete and Sandra Folger.
Auditorium Bible Class
Our Auditorium Bible class is a Bible class for anyone who wants to attend. Weekly lessons are taught out of God’s Word. Ron Jackson teaches this class.
Widow’s Class
Growing in Faith Together is a class for widows. Mrs. Faith Thompson teaches this class.
Bible Doctrines Class
Bible Doctrines is our new converts class. It meets three times a year for 13 weeks at a time. Jack Beaver teaches this class.
Special Friends
Our Special Friends class has a wonderful time of singing and learning from the Bible. It is geared for those with mental disabilities. This class is led by a wonderful group of people.
Teen Ministries
The teen years can be quite challenging, confusing and crazy! A solid foundation is a must for successfully navigating this time. At Cleveland Baptist Church we believe that the only foundation for life is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The Cleveland Baptist Church has been introducing teenagers to the Lord for 54 years. During this time we have had just 4 youth pastors!
Teens will be strengthened through a weekly Bible Study time with other teenagers at 7:00 p.m. each Wednesday evening. The High School department meets in Room 202 and the Jr. High department meets in HCS Room 117. There is also a monthly activity that is planned for teens in the youth department. In addition to this each year’s summer calendar is packed with three exciting events: Youth Camp, SMITE (missions trip) and the Great Lakes Youth Conference.
Come join us this Sunday. We hope to see you soon!
Teen Camp
Teen camp is held each year at Camp CoBeAc in Michigan. Join us for a great week of games, activities, competition, preaching, singing and good Christian fellowship.
Great Lakes Youth Conference
Each year hundreds of teenagers are encouraged by the great music, preaching and fellowship of this great conference. For more information about next year’s conference email Wesam Elrabadi.

Training Teens for Christian Work
A positive approach to the positives and negatives of the Christian life
Are you tired of teens that don’t know why they believe what they say they believe? T.T.C.W. can help you take your teens from a head knowledge to a heart knowledge of Scripture. This program is designed to help young teens understand the why’s behind the Baptist faith and encourage life-long dedication.
A comprehensive plan for success
Today’s youth are faced with many perplexing temptations. The only answer is turning to God’s Word, for therein lie the answers to every problem. In the midst of lowered parental standards, watered-down preaching, increased school and social pressures and a new generation of looseness, we want to introduce this program.
Contact Luke and Pam Brown if you have any questions about TTCW or call them at the numbers below.
216.671.2822 ext. 103
216.671.2848 (fax)