Peter Folger
Education: Crown College, class of 2001
Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 1:6, Galatians 5:16, 22-23
Favorite Books: Unbroken, Character Carved in Stone, Green Leaf in Drought, Schizophrenic: A Diagnosis of the Independent Baptist Movement, The Way of the Shepherd
Influenced by: Kevin Folger (Father), Roy Thompson, Bob Folger (Grandfather), Clarence Sexton, Dan Wolvin, Jon Plum
Interests: Golf, watching sports, reading, traveling, anything I can do with my family

Tom Goodman
Education: Bachelor of Religious Theology, HBI
Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 6:23
Favorite Books: Prayer for Revival, From the Diamond to the Bush, Shepherding a Child's Heart, Good to Great, Salt Talks: Salty at 70, Ready to Restore by Jay E. Adams
Influenced by: Tim Goodman (Father), Evangelist Ron Ostten, Evangelist Steve Hart, Calvin Combs (Grandfather)
Interests: Spending time with Amanda and our children, hunting, golfing, being outdoors, meeting new people

Mike Harness

Luke Brown
Education: BA Pastoral Theology, Fairhaven Baptist College; Master of Organized Leadership, Maranatha Baptist University
Favorite Bible Verse: John 14:1-6
Favorite Books: Servant Leadership, Biographies of Christian Leaders, Marks of a Healthy Christian School
Influenced by: Word of God, Spirit of God, Roy Thompson
Interests: Woodworking, Christian Education

Jack Beaver
Education: Bachelor of Science Degree, Hyles Anderson College
Favorite Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 1:21, Ecclesiastes 12:13
Favorite Books: The Bible, Noah Websters 1828 Dictionary and Strongs Exhaustive Concordance, Joel Rosenberg's Novels
Influenced by: Men of God through their preaching and godly counsel
Interests: Traveling (I have visited 18 countries, Rita and I have seen all 50 states), exercising with my mini trampoline, Wii Fit Plus, playing disc golf, table tennis

Jon Blankenship
Education: HBI Bachelor in Religious Theology
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 119:165
Favorite Books: Pilgrims Progress, The Very Efficient Carpenter, The Bible, Matthew Henry Commentary
Influenced by: David Spears (Uncle), Fred Hill, Jack Tripp, Kevin Folger, Pete Folger, Dr. Roger Green, Dr. James Head
Interests: Woodworking, remodeling, guitar, spending time with family

Wesam Elrabadi
Education: Heritage Baptist Institute, Cleveland State University
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 27
Favorite Books: The Bible!
Influenced by: Roy Thompson, Kevin Folger, Pete Folger, Bible-preaching Preachers, Mike Clark, and Billy Ingram
Interests: My wonderful wife and kids, Cleveland culture, basketball

Bruce Witzke
Education: Lorain Community College, Cuyahoga Community College
Favorite Bible Verse: II Corinthians 5:17
Favorite Books: The Bible, The Boys in the Boat
Influenced by: Roy Thompson, Bob Folger, Roger Hoffman
Interests: Soulwinning