Singles Division
From the time a child graduates from high school until he gets married, many important, life-changing decisions are made. Instruction from God’s Word is an important part of making right decisions. In addition to the weekly Wednesday evening meeting, there is also a weekly Bible study and fellowship times for these young adults. We offer classes for single ladies and widows as well.
College (18-23 year-olds) – Scott and Caitlyn Brady
Young Professionals (23-39 year-olds) – Jon and Jamie Blankenship
HAVEN (women of all ages and stages) – Mrs. Peggy Zidick

Married Couples Division
Marriage is the second most important decision made in life, and it is a lifelong commitment. Our classes are designed to help couples through their life stages by teaching on marriage, parenting, finances, relationships, service and many other topics.
Honeymooners (newly married couples) – Kevin and Colleen Hoffman
Homebuilders (married/single parents with school-aged children) – Tom and Amanda Goodman
Berean Bible Class (married/single adults) – Pastor and Sandra Folger

Adult Classes
We offer several other classes to help adults in their spiritual walk with God. Each week Bible lessons are presented and principles are taught.
Spanish – Pastor Jose Duarte
Auditorium Bible Class – Jim Jones
Special Friends - adults with special needs (Sunday Mornings at 10:15 AM)