Bus Ministry
The Cleveland Baptist Church Bus Ministry reaches out into the neighborhoods of the Cleveland area to win boys and girls to Christ.
We would like to give you and your family a personal invitation to attend Cleveland Baptist Church. Since 1965, our church has provided free bus transportation for people all over Northeast Ohio.
On Saturday we make contact with each of our regular Sunday morning riders and also visit new people who are interested in coming to church. On Sunday morning the bus pulls up in front of your home and a friendly worker escorts you safely to the bus.
While riding the bus, a program is presented. You and your children will learn Christian songs, memory verses and Bible stories while playing fun games. When you arrive at the church, you will be escorted to their Sunday School class. The children also have a church service which is geared more on their level. After church, everyone gets back on board the bus. On the way home, more fun and learning activities are continued until we pull up in front of your home. You will then be escorted to your door.
We hope that you will consider visiting our church this weekend. If you are interested, please call us at (216) 671-2822 and provides us with your name, your address, and your phone number.
We would be happy to have you as our personal guest!
Deaf Ministry
The deaf meet every Sunday and Wednesday during regular service times.
If you are deaf, hard of hearing, know sign language, or even if you would be interested in learning sign language, come to CBC and visit the Deaf Class. See for yourself just how exciting this ministry can be!

Gypsy Ministry
My name is Nick Evanovich. My wife, Dorothy, and I are third generation American Gypsies living in Cleveland, Ohio. We have three children: Tony, Kelly and Samantha. Being born and raised in both the U.S. and within the Gypsy race, we were married in the Gypsy community and brought up in the culture, practicing tradition and speaking the Gypsy language fluently.

Spanish Ministry
Ministerio en Español:
Pastor José y Hna. Sandra Duarte, saludan en nombre de nuestro Dios y Señor Jesucristo, a toda la comunidad hispana de Cleveland, Ohio , y sus ciudades al Rededor.
Como Pastor, del ministerio en español, quiero dar gracias, Primero, a Dios y al Pastor Kevin Folger, su esposa, familia, su grupo de lideres, y a toda la congregación de la Iglesia Bautista Cleveland, “o” Cleveland Baptist Church, por el amor para la comunidad hispana de Cleveland, y de todas las ciudades en Ohio; Cumpliendo de esta forma lo dicho por nuestro Señor Jesucristo; Id por todo el mundo y predicad el evangelio a toda criatura (San Marcos 16:15).
Mi Testimonio:
Como Cristiano, y pastor quiero ser ovediente, al mandato de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, de llevar su evangelio, el mismo evangelio que un día recibí, para salvación de mi alma, sabiendo que Cristo, Pago, completamente por mí, y que un día, no lejano, estaré con él, en el cielo.
Fui salvo en la Iglesia Bíblica Bautista fundamental de Salt Lake City, Utah, mis estudios los realise “Salt Lake Baptist College” en el año 2005 me entregue al Señor, para servirle como pastor, me gradué en abril, del 2007, desempeñe el cargo de, Diacono, fui asistente de pastor, con el pastor, Oscar Garcia. En Nobiembre del 2007 quede como pastor de la iglesia que me vio nacer, y profesor del instituto hispano.
Dios Puso en mi corazón Cleveland, y después de orar con mi pastor senior, Marshall Warneke, y el Pastor Kevin Folger, Dios contesto nuestras oraciones Para comenzar el ministerio en español, el cual se Inagurara, el dia Domingo 5 de febrero, del 2012; y como pastor, del ministerio hispano le invito a que nos visite, y sea parte de las bendisiones que Dios tiene, para usted; además de la, sana Palabra,no falte.
Que el Señor le bendiga, son mis deseos, en el amor de Dios y nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
Pastor: Kevin Folger
Pastor Hispano: José Duarte
Iglesia Bautista Cleveland
4431 Tiedeman Road
Brooklyn, Ohio 44144
Tel: 216-671-2822
Horarios de servicio:
Domingo: 10 AM Escuela Dominical
Domingo: 11 AM Predicacion
Domingo: 6 PM Predicacion de la noche
Miercoles: 7 PM servicio de oración
Pastor José Duarte y familia.
A toda la comunidad hispana reciba un saludo, de parte de mi familia, en nombre de nuestro Dios y Señor Jesucristo.
Mi esposa; Sandra, y mis higos; Jennifer, Gerardo, Andrea, y Jason, estamos muy feliceses de podor servirle al señor, en la comunidad hispana, de Cleveland Ohio, por lo tanto le invitamos, a que nos visite, y que forme parte de la Iglesia Bautista Cleveland, ministerio hispano de la Cleveland Baptist Church.
Que el Señor les bendiga.
Video & Audio Ministry
At Cleveland Baptist Church, we have the unique opportunity to influence many people with the help of our Audio/Video ministry. We broadcast all three weekly services live over the internet through Facebook, YouTube and sermonaudio.com. Our current weekly services are available for download from our website in both video and audio formats. We also keep an archive of Sunday morning & Sunday evening messages preached by Pastor Folger available for download by visiting our audio sermons archive page.
Special music from our platform and special revival services are also available for your listening pleasure on our music player.
This ministry is a growing ministry at the Cleveland Baptist Church and has been a great blessing since its inception

Hungarian Outreach Ministry
The Hungarian Outreach Adult Bible Fellowship meets each Sunday from 10:00-10:50 a.m. in Pastor Folger’s office. Dr. Pinter is the teacher for this ministry.
Dr. Zoltán Pintér arrived in America in 1987. He came to minister to the Hungarian and Slavic speaking people in greater Cleveland. Pastor Zoltán completed a Bachelors degree in Theology at Baptist Theological Seminary in Novi Sad, former Yugoslavia. When he came to America, he continued his education and received a Masters degree in Ministry and also a Doctorate degree in Sacred Theology at Bethany Bible College and Theological Seminary. Pastor Zoltán and his wife, Silvia, have been married for 34 years and have three children, Kasja, Sara (Jason, son-in-law), and Filip. From 1987 – 2000: Pastor Dr. Zoltán Pintér worked at Cleveland Baptist Church in the Hungarian, South Slavic (Yugoslavian), and Bus Ministry. From 2000 – 2015: Pastor Dr. Zoltán Pintér worked as a full-time pastor at Hungarian Bethany Baptist Church. 2015 and going forward: Pastor Dr. Zoltán Pintér will be ministering through Hungarian Outreach at Cleveland Baptist Church and other churches in former Yugoslavia.