CBC Missionaries
Missionaries sent out from Cleveland Baptist Church
Larry & Lois Clayton Missionaries to SEA
Larry and Lois Clayton have been in evangelism and church planting for sixty-four years! The Lord has allowed them to minister on over seventy mission fields. Their relationship with the Cleveland Baptist Church began in 1964. Since that time, CBC has served as their sending church. Brother Clayton founded SEA (Salvation Evangelistic Association) as a Bible college student in 1956. Even though Brother Clayton is now eighty-one years old, he continues to have strength to travel and to minister.

Mike & Wilda McCombie Missionaries with BIMI

Jim & Laura Pranger Missionaries to Hungary

Bob & Becky Mach Missionaries to Ivory Coast
Bob and Becky Mach have served in Cote d’Ivoire, West Africa, since 1995. Their four children, Bob, Marylyn, Morganne, and Lucien have grown up working in their parents’ ministries. They have established three churches in the cities of Bingerville and Man as well as in the village of Zanapledougou. Other ministries include a Bible college and seminary, medical, sports and literacy programs. In the future, they are planning to start a Christian school and open a medical clinic. Bob is a graduate of Heritage Christian School. He received a B.A. in Missions and M.A. in Biblical Exposition from Pensacola Christian College and Pensacola Theological Seminary where he is currently in a D.Min program. He has received the Commercial/Instrument Flight Certificate as well as the Airframe/Powerplant Mechanics license. Becky is a very accomplished musician, proficient in violin, mandolin, piano, singing and music arrangement, as well as video and audio production.

Robert & Wendy Mickey Missionaries to Kenya

Lawrence Evans Missionaries to ROMA Ministry
Our journey has been a fruitful, but sad one. We were called of God when He laid a desire upon our hearts to reach our people with the Gospel. In 1995, Bro. Walter Stevens and I went on our first missions trip to reach the Roma of Romania. God blessed the work and still continues to bless with Roma being saved and baptized, churches being planted among their own peoples, and feeding centers started in those villages where the churches were planted. I pastored the GO Ministry at Cleveland Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Kevin Folger. My wife and I were called to the mission field in 1998, the time Missionary Walter and Dolly Stevens were leaving to Romania. My Timothy in the ministry, Nick Evanovich, took over the work in Cleveland, Ohio.
Sally and I were lead of the Lord to start a work in South Florida, West Palm Beach area. On May 16, 2016, the Lord took my wife Home after battling cancer for 14 years. I have been able to establish a feeding center among the Roma children in one of the villages in Romania. This was always Sally’s desire so we have named it Sally’s Kitchen. A new building for the center was built, and now we are building a bigger sanctuary adjacent to the feeding center.
Virl & Sandy Stalnaker Missionaries to Manitoba, Canada

Jim & Lori Males Missionaries to SEA
The Males have been church planters out of the Cleveland Baptist Church for over twenty-five years. They have seen two churches started in Scotland, one in Nova Scotia and one in West Virginia. They have four children, James (27), Isaiah (26), Holly (23) and Heather (22). They are currently starting a fifth church in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Both Jim and Lori graduated from Massillon Baptist College.

Gary Lukas Missionary to Russia
Gary Lukas was saved and baptized at the Cleveland Baptist Church in 1981, studied at the Heritage Baptist Institute, as well as working with evangelist Dr. Larry Clayton and the Salvation Evangelistic Association.
In 1994, while pastor of the Faith Baptist Church of Loudonville, Ohio, where he had served since 1986, Gary felt called to the field of Russia. After spending a year in the city of Magadan in the Russian Far East, he relocated to the city of Novosibirsk in western Siberia in 1996, where he began the work of establishing a church. In 2002, Gary was administratively deported from Russia, with the consequence the next year of being denied entrance to Russia for a period of 3+ years. For those years, 2004-2007, he worked with Russian-speaking people in New York City. He was able to apply for entrance once again to Russia in 2007, and returned that year to the church and work in Novosibirsk.

Walter and Simone Stevens Missionaries to Roma

Drew & Alyssa Jonke Majesty Baptist Church
Drew and Alyssa first crossed paths while serving in various ministries of Cleveland Baptist Church; they were married in 2012 and subsequently joined the staff in an internship role. In 2013 the Lord led Drew to assist Pastor and Mrs. Virl Stalnaker in the planting of Majesty Baptist Church in Vancouver, WA, where the Jonkes moved in 2014. They have been blessed abundantly by the opportunity to be involved in a new church’s growth and development!

Carol & Ever Sandres Missionary to Honduras
I was born into a loving home with parents of two different religions. My mother, in her late twenties, had come to know Christ as her Saviour and began attending Cleveland Baptist Church. During this time, my father continued to attend St. Bridget’s, a Catholic church. When my brother and I were young, we were made to attend both churches on an every-other-week rotating basis. Having heard the plan of salvation in Sunday school, I made a profession of faith as a very young girl. My father allowed me to attend Heritage Christian School in the third grade, as long as I continued to attend Catholic catechism classes. When I turned twelve in the sixth grade, my father finally gave me the choice to choose which church I wanted to attend. That year, I began attending Cleveland Baptist weekly with my mother. It was in the eighth grade when I realized that I truly needed to get saved. I had been having doubts for quite some time and had never understood how anyone could know one hundred percent-for-sure they were saved. December 2, 1998, I prayed and asked the Lord to forgive me of my sins, to wash me clean in the blood of Jesus Christ, and to use my life to serve Him. Since then, I have not had any doubts of my salvation.
Throughout my teenage and college years, I have had a desire to serve the Lord in full time service with a specific burden for missions. After I graduated from Pensacola Christian College, He gave a job in a large teaching hospital, on a floor where I could gain a large amount of experience. My floor had basic pulmonary floor patients, a specialized unit for post-surgical ENT surgeries, and a specialized unit for weaning from the ventilator. In less than a year on that floor, I was asked to be a preceptor of new nurses and was trained to be charge nurse. After three years there, I felt the Lord leading me to make a change.
When the door opened at Heritage Christian School, the school I had attended, to teach health and science; I had peace that the Lord was leading me toward the next step in my life. He has given me a love for teaching that I never imagined I’d have. He led to Pensacola Christian College to join their nursing faculty in 2012. To have the opportunity to marry my two passions, nursing and teaching, was both amazing and humbling.
Throughout my working years, I was able to take several medical missions trips to Peru, where God continued to work on my heart about missions. In November of 2014, God used a former roommate to introduce the field of Honduras to me, where I felt a call unlike any burden for missions that I’ve had before. I am delighted to say that I am acting on God’s plan for my life to begin my life as a missionary in Honduras.

Kevin & Denise Folger Spiritual Leadership Asia
After his resignation from Cleveland Baptist Church, the Lord led Kevin to help found Spiritual Leadership Asia an expansion of the ministry of Spiritual Leadership Conference of Asia. Working with Dr. Paul Chappell and Brother Niranjan Sundararaj in a collaborative effort, the purpose of this ministry is to further the gospel among the 10/40 focused nations of Asia. Kevin serves as the North American Director of Spiritual Leadership Asia. A ministry that equips trains and encourages Asians in reaching the 10/40 Window.

Brad & Brooke Borke Vision Baptist Church
We are the Borke family - Brad, Brooke, Madeline and Jack. We spent 19 years in the U.S. Air Force and are now serving the Lord by planting Vision Baptist Church.
Both of us, Brad and Brooke, were raised in a religious home, in a loving family, and attended church, but we were never confronted to accept Jesus Christ as our personal savior. In 2004, while stationed at Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas, Nevada, we attended Liberty Baptist Church and were confronted with the love of the Gospel. Although we had everything the world had to offer, we did not have the peace and contentment that only Jesus Christ can provide. In the summer of 2004, we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior and our lives have never been the same.
Madeline and Jack have always known a Christian home. They were saved and then baptized in 2012 at South Haven Baptist Church, Hephzibah, Georgia, when we were stationed at Fort Gordon Army Installation. Both are currently involved in their local church serving in the inner city bus ministry, Sunday school teaching, and choir. 3 John 4 says, "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth." Amen!

Frank & Rebecca Suglio Heritage Baptist Church Planting
Our burden is to participate and organize local churches in the cooperative efforts of strengthening local churches and together establishing new churches in areas where there is a need.
In short, working in the Power of the Holy Spirit by methods practiced and published in the New Testament to the end that there would be no one outside the reach of a true New Testament Church.
It is not the skill and efforts of a select few that will accomplish this. It is the primary directive to identify clearly the needs and to organize the efforts for success by identifying those with certain skill sets within the family of God that would lend their efforts, expertise, gifts, and grace to assist local churches in accomplishing a variety of very needed projects and ministry ventures.

Kristina Premo Ivory Coast - Teaching English as a second language
Using English education to assist local churches in declaring the gospel and to equip national pastors with tools to enhance their ministries.

James & Rebecca Mileti River Westlake Baptist Church
James Mileti graduated Arizona State University with a B.A. in Communications and a History Minor. He became a believer in 2008 while reading a Bible that he bought from a dollar bin at a local bookstore.
He is a four year graduate of Heritage Baptist Institute in Brooklyn, Ohio, earning a Bachelor of Religious Theology Diploma. He was ordained by Cleveland Baptist Church.
James taught the Bible to a bus load of men from Cleveland’s City Mission each week at Cleveland Baptist Church for over three years and led the Summer Soul Winning outreaches at Cleveland Baptist Church for two years as well. James also taught a church-wide ‘Summer Electives’ series at Cleveland Baptist Church, and has also taught at Heritage Baptist Institute.
If there is an opportunity to share the Gospel message, with the Holy Spirit’s help, James will most likely take it.