Heritage Christian School
Heritage Christian School is a ministry of the Cleveland Baptist Church. HCS begins in K-4 and continues through the 12th grade. The mission of Heritage Christian School is to assist parents in fulfilling the biblical mandate found in Ephesians 6:4 “bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” Our motto is “Challenging the Mind, Caring for the Soul.” Our desire is to prepare our students to do whatever God wants them to do. Academically we want to challenge the minds of the young people so that they can fulfill any vocation God would have for them. Along with quality academics, we also have teachers that care for the souls of our students. Christian education is about more than quality academics, it is about influence. We desire to develop the mind of Christ in the lives of young people.
Heritage Baptist Institue
What Is Heritage Baptist Institute?
Heritage Baptist Institute is a ministry of Cleveland Baptist Church, founded in 1975. Our purpose is to teach God’s Word to God’s people, so that they may better serve within the local church. Students at H.B.I. will become more knowledgeable of the Bible, skillful in its use, and at the same time receive instruction in disciplining their own lives. Has God called you to the ministry of pastor, missionary, or youth pastor? Do you have a desire to be better equipped to serve the Lord as a church secretary, Sunday School teacher, bus worker, or to increase your ability to serve Him in your daily life? Then H.B.I. is the place for you!
Why H.B.I.?
• Local church sponsored
• Student to instructor ratio
• Lively chapel services
• Taught by faculty who practice what they teach
• Evening classes
• Proven successful program
• Exciting student body
• Interaction with the staff of one of America’s great churches
• Three or four year cycle programs
Diplomas Offered:
• One Year Bible Certificate
• Bachelor of Religious Theology
• Bachelor of Religious Christian Education
For enrollment information, please contact Wesam Elrabadi.