Up Coming Events

SundayMorning Service - 10:15 AM
Choir - 4:30 PM
Orchestra - 5:00 PM
Kids Choir - 5:30 PM
Evening Service - 6:00 PM
WednesdayMidweek Service - 7:00 PM
SaturdayBus Visitation - 10:30 AM

Stay Connected

Stay Connected

All services are live-streamed via CBC website, FaceBook & YouTube.  We also have the Grace & Truth for Today podcast on Tues., Thurs. & Friday.

Wednesday School

Wednesday School

Sunday School & Adult Bible Fellowships are on Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. —full childcare will be available.   Please go directly to your Sunday School class or Adult Bible Fellowship.

Young At Heart

Join Young at Heart on Thursdays in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30 am!   For more information, pick up a YAH bulletin at the Welcome Center or see Brother Beaver.

Sister Keepers

Join us once a month at 6:30 pm!  Bring your prayer journal and a dessert to share.  Please pick up a flyer in our Missions hallway for further details. 

Titus 2

Stay tuned for our next meeting!

Ladies bible fellowship

January 17, 6:30 pm

Join us for a night focusing on the lively hope we have in Christ while fellowshipping with old and new friends.  Drinks will be provided, and there will be a small craft available as a variety of tabletop games.  Sign up online at clevelandbaptist.org/lbf

youth missions trip fundraiser

January 26

Come support the CBC Teen Missions Trip to the Apache Reservation in New Mexico. After the evening services, the Rooted and Grounded Coffee Shop will have pizza, sushi, and refreshments available for purchase.  Preorder your sushi at the Welcome Center.  Let’s enjoy the fellowship and encourage our teens that are going on this trip!

Missionary Letters

Missionary Letters

Daily we receive letters from the missionaries we support updating us about their missionary work. If you would like to see some of these letters please ask to join our private Facebook group. Additionally, you can go to our missions hallway and read the updated letters from each of our missionaries.



Give through your online banking, mail your tithe & offerings to the church or drop them off at the church office Monday through Friday 8am—4pm.  Thank you for your faithfulness to give. Click here to give.

vision night

January 12

2025 will be another exciting year for our church family!  We encourage every member to do their best and join us for Vision Night on January 12 at 6 pm.  This is a great opportunity to catch our Pastor’s vision for what the Lord might do in 2025.

heritage baptist institute


Classes are Monday and Tuesday nights from 7-10 pm.  Spring semester classes begin January 6, 2024.  Stop by the table for more information.

youth activity

January, 18

The 7th-12th grade youth group will go ice skating at BAM Arena in Strongsville.  Meet at CBC at 12:15 pm, returning around 4:15 pm.  The cost is $12 plus lunch money.  Sign up with Bro. Wesam.

chili cookoff and cornbread

January, 19

Please join us for a chili cook-off and best cornbread competition after the evening service.  There will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes!  Come hungry and leave happy!