Singles Division
From the time a child graduates from high school until he gets married, many important, life-changing decisions are made. Instruction from God’s Word is an important part of making right decisions. In addition to the weekly Wednesday evening meeting, there is also a weekly Bible study and fellowship times for these young adults. We offer classes for single ladies and widows as well.
College (18-23 year-olds) – Scott and Caitlyn Brady – HCS Science Room
Young Professionals (23-39 year-olds) – Jon and Jamie Blankenship – CBC Folger Fellowship Hall
Apron Strings (women, 30+) – Mrs. Ednamae Reed - Pastor's office
HAVEN (women of all ages and stages) – Mrs. Peggy Haynes – CBC Room 107

Married Couples Division
Marriage is the second most important decision made in life, and it is a lifelong commitment. Our classes are designed to help couples through their life stages by teaching on marriage, parenting, finances, relationships, service and many other topics.
Honeymooners (0-5 years of marriage) – Kevin and Colleen Hoffman – Church Office
Homebuilders (5-15 years of marriage) – Tom and Amanda Goodman – Room 201
Berean Bible Class (15-30 years of marriage/single adults) – Pastor and Sandra Folger – Thompson Chapel

Adult Classes
We offer several other classes to help adults in their spiritual walk with God. Each week Bible lessons are presented and principles are taught.
Spanish – Pastor Jose Duarte – HBI Chapel (Sunday Mornings at 10 AM)
Auditorium Bible Class – Ron Jackson – Main Auditorium
Special Friends (adults with special needs) – HBI Chapel (Sunday Mornings at 10:15 AM)